Cheese With Your Whine?
Mommy Moment
You moms out there know exactly what I'm talking about. It's those times when, no matter what kind of wacky day you've had or how crazy your kid has been, when it's all over, you're in awe of the fact that it's your little person you're putting to bed.
Rylee has been kind of fussy for the last couple of days. Stupid mom that I am, it took me over a week to realize that what I thought was a diaper rash was really a yeast infection. I finally got some cream for it tonight. But on the way home - we had spent the afternoon at the mall - she was really content. Amid the singing and talking about animal sounds and counting, I told her she was being such a good girl and that it made "Mama happy". She stopped her chatter and said, " Mama...Boppy?" Talk about melting a mommy's heart. I don't know why but I got all choked up. A mommy moment.
It's funny when that feeling comes. It happens without warning and at the oddest times. I am struck with awe about motherhood and my daughter, and it makes me feel very vulnerable. To love someone so much it hurts is deep emotion and a point of no return. You can't go back. It's wonderful, frightening, humbling and exciting all at the same time.
I think motherhood brings you to your knees in so many ways. As someone once said, it opens up another part of your heart.
I love you Rylee. You make me boppy.
Posted by cassy ::
7/02/2005 ::
3 Cheese Crumbles:
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