Cheese With Your Whine?


The proper response is "Thank you"

I am horrible about accepting help. Awful. It's difficult to accept it because that means I need it, which sucks in and of itself.

As I've mentioned before, my car has body damage and no headlight, thanks to a hit and run over two years ago and the fact that the Gecko sucks ass. So this guy at work has been giving me crap about getting it fixed. He's actually a contractor and doesn't really work here, but he called me today and basically told me that he is getting a headlight for me and is going to put it in. Of course I told him that I don't have the money to pay him for it, and he said not to worry - that I could pay him when/if I get the money.

I was in tears when I hung up the phone. How nice is that? And yet, my gut reaction is to say no. No you can't do that for me. No, I'm not going to let you be out time or money to help me. No. No. No.

There's a part of me that would rather drive around in a beat up car until I had the $1,800 to just go pay a body shop to do it (which obviously has already stretched into years) than let a nice guy help a me out.

I'm humbled by it and I'm grateful. Just wish I didn't have to be.

***On a happier note, I just now got an interview for Monday night with a compay that is going to pay more than I'm making now. Whoo hoo!! The down side is that there is minimal travel involved in the months of Sept and Oct due to year end closing. ***

Posted by cassy :: 10/06/2005 :: 13 Cheese Crumbles:

Comment! Comment!
