Cheese With Your Whine?


I'm it

Erin tagged me, so here goes. A little mindless blogging for a Tuesday evening!

7 things to do before I die
* See my grandkids
* Go to Paris, the Carribean, and the Mediterranean
* Get my pilot's license
* Become debt free (might take til I die)
* Sky dive
* Become fluent in French (rather than the bastardized version I speak in my head)
* Get a tatto (or several)

7 things I can not do
* Cook
* Stay on top of my laundry
* Change a tire or the oil in my car
* Speak French fluently
* Save money well

* Sew
* Stand being bored

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex

* Smile
* Eyes
* Hands
* Dry sense of humor
* Laugh
* Good table manners (If you smack your food, you will not get a second date. Period.)
* Not living with his mother!

7 things I say most often
* Shit
* Omigod
* Mama loves you
* What the fuck?
* Are you smoking crack?

* Rylee, come here
* Whatever

7 celebrity crushes
* Bon Bon (that would be Bon Jovi to most of you)
* Patrick Demsey
* Kenny Chesney

* Kirk Herbstreit
* Howie Long (I know he's old. Shut up.)
* James Denton
* John Mayer

Posted by cassy :: 11/15/2005 :: 10 Cheese Crumbles:

Comment! Comment!
