Cheese With Your Whine?


Why me?

Question 1:
Why did I get the coolest little girl around? Go ahead and argue with me and try to tell me I didn't, but I really did.

We play this game....if she's impatient, we count. It works in the car, when she getting her diaper changed (usually), and when she's frustrated in general. I guess I should say 'I' count. She just listens and laughs when I use silly intonations.

Well, tonight, when I was getting her jammies on, she counted to 5 all on her own!!! I couldn't believe it! I guess that just shows that they really are listening.

We have had an awesome two days together. She such a love bird right now and is always giving me kisses and hugs. Talk about making your world okay.

Question 2:
Why am I blessed to have such awesome friends? People who will agree to watch my punkin for a couple of hours with virtually no warning, so that I can run off and try to find gainful employment. People who have offered time and time again to be there and help out whenever I need it, whatever it is I might need.

If you know me at all, you know that I have a really hard time taking people up on that offer, but it's so great to have people who care. Makes it a little easier to deal, ya know?

Posted by cassy :: 11/02/2005 :: 12 Cheese Crumbles:

Comment! Comment!
