Cheese With Your Whine?


Scenes from a 2-year old birthday

Thanks to Ms. Dallas K for the pics!

My girl's one request - party hats!!

What party is complete without an inflatable birthday cake in the front yard??

Or bounce house in the back??

This trick raised some interesting questions about what exactly the Punkin sees mommy do. Nothing that fun, I can assure you.

Every girl needs a hula skirt to go over her bikini, no?

See the pretty picture our Aunt Katie made for her?

That cheeseball grin makes my life so sweet!

God, I love that kid.

We had a really great day, but I'm glad it won't be time for another party for a year. I need some time to recoup! I'm exhausted, the Punkin is out, and she is now the best dressed girl in Texas, thanks to all the new duds she got today.

We are a couple of very blessed girls. Most of those other mommies got in their cars and drove to B-Freaking-E to come to our little shindig, and it was a blast. Thanks to all of you guys who shared our day.

Rylee, thanks for being such a sweet girl. You were a trooper today...happy even though you didn't have a nap. You rock! I really did get the best girl.

Posted by cassy :: 4/15/2006 :: 8 Cheese Crumbles:

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