Cheese With Your Whine?


I have the best friends EVER!

So we came back to M-Town last night for what I thought was going to be a few drinks with my girl Ms.Dallas K, but I walked into a surprise going away party!!!

I feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. Kami mentioned a while ago on her blog that Dallas bitches are the best. And they are. We've been here two years and I have met the most wonderful group of women. Ya know those people who know all the crazy things you've done and love you anyway? Those people who might think you're nuts for going to Kuwait, but support you just the same?

Go check out the pics on Kami's website. I tried to steal some and post them but Blogger is being a HAB. The cake was AWESOME. And I got the hook up with phone cards. =)

I love you girls, and I am going to miss the shit out of you. Thanks for everything. You really have no idea how much you mean to me and my girl.

Posted by cassy :: 6/14/2006 :: 10 Cheese Crumbles:

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