Cheese With Your Whine?


Dear Neighbors Behind Us:

We need to talk. See that poor dog? Yeah, it needs a haircut and some attention. I'm sure you guys work (at least I hope so) but damn. Give it some love when you get home. The poor thing is always stuck halfway under the fence trying to get over here.

It makes me sad. And Mama Cassy no like to be sad. Please just take care of the poor thing or give it to someone who will.

Cassy, who is thinking about calling the authorities on your ass.

P.S. To all of you who commented yesterday - Come back and comment because you love ME, not someone else.

P.P.S. To Someone Else, yes, it feels kind of nice to be a comment whore for a day. You are one crazy chick.

Posted by cassy :: 5/05/2006 :: 17 Cheese Crumbles:

Comment! Comment!
