Cheese With Your Whine?


Busy Day

Today we went to another playgroup.  It was so fun.  I met a girl name Angie who showed me a bunch of stuff about cloth diapers.  I can't wait to get some and start using them. 

Rylee is using her left hand a lot. I don't know what that means, but when she deliberately reaches out for things, it is usually with her left hand.  Today I caught her just holding it up in the air and looking at it - too cute.  It was like it just dawned on her that it was her and she had control over it.

We also met our neighbor Shannon who has a little boy Devon who was born on April 15.  She lives just a few doors down from us.  She is really sweet and is a sinlge mom too.  Whoo Hoo!

Posted by cassy :: 7/29/2004 :: 2 Cheese Crumbles:

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First Playgroup

Today was a lot of fun!  We had our first playgroup with a bunch of women and kids in the midcities area.  That, it turns out, is about an hour from where we live, but it was still fun!  Rylee was really good and didn't fuss at all.  She is such a good baby! 

I never imagined that I would be so excited to meet a group of stay at home moms.  Funny how having a baby really does change everything.  We are going to another group tomorrow over in the same area.  Should be fun...

It is raining here tonight.  The kids were going to play in Robyn's pools, but the weather wasn't our friend!

Posted by cassy :: 7/28/2004 :: 2 Cheese Crumbles:

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Cold day in July

It has been unseasonably cool here lately.  The highs have only been in the 80's.  It's been gorgeous!

Today we met with Kellie, a woman I met on  We went to the mall and walked around and shopped.  She has a little girl who was born 4 hours before Rylee, also by c-section because of being transverse breech. 

After that we came home and I worked some.  Rylee is getting frustrated becaue she can't sit up yet, but doesn't want to lean back.  I am finding it pretty difficult to entertain her.  I am sure I will look back on these days and laugh, but I can't wait til she can sit up on her own.  She is still so much fun, though.  Big gummy grins all the time.  She is just so sweet!

Posted by cassy :: 7/27/2004 :: 4 Cheese Crumbles:

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